Friday, March 31, 2006

21 day challenge and new layout

Whew--I finally got day 4 of Rhonna's 21 day challenge finished. A sick kiddo this morning interfered with my plans. When I did get to start working on it, it took on a life of its own. It's something different than what I've done so far, but I think I like it. Check out the kit, too--that's Valerie Fowler's new kit Metabolize, available at the DigiChick Boutique. It's an awesome kit to work with!

Kit: Metabolize by Valerie Fowler, Flourish brush by Ashley Olson. Fonts: Waterfalls, SP Inspired, SP Toby Unleashed.

The other layout that I worked on last night is with Mari Koegelenberg's new kit Forget-Me-Not (also available in the DigiChick Boutique!) It was so easy to work with, too!

Kit: Forget-Me-Not by Mari Koegelenberg. Fonts: Roddy, Waterfalls

Big news--my sister found out today that she's having a BOY! Yay for her! She's already got a little girl, so a boy will balance things for them and will give my nephew Will someone cool to play with. We're super excited!

I'm supposed to be at my parents' house right now, but Maggie puked in her bed this morning and then had a NASTY diaper (ENOUGH said there, let me tell you!). She's been fine ever since, so I'm debating heading out after her nap. We'll see how things look then, I guess.

off to get some work done so that I don't have to work all night! :-)


Emine_Pala_Art_22 said...


I love this entry... Such a lovely colors...
Congratulations with your sister having a sun... And I hope your little girl will be better soon...


Anonymous said...

I love the page you made. Those colors are great! I hope your little girl feels better :)

Anonymous said...

Love your AJ entry.....great wish I could do digital!