Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fun Halloween Giveaway from the team members at The DigiChick!

Halloween is almost here, and the Staff at The DigiChick thought that it would be fun to do a little trick or treating digital style!

I made a fun little November desktop for your computer. Here's a preview:

Click here to download! Thank you so much to Kim Wresh, Pamela Donnis, and Mari Koegelenberg for allowing me to use their designs for this project!

Here is the list of the TDC CT/Designers passing out treats on their blogs. Be sure to stop by each one for some goodies!

Tiffany -
LuAnn -
Cheryl -
Mel -
Kelley -
Sinead -
Tracy -
Pam -
Elise -
Jill -
Jenn -
Kara -
Heather -
Juli -
Mari -
Julie -
Linda -
Dani -
Cheryl -
Kelleigh -
ViVa -
The Hybrid Chick -

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Long time no post!

Boy, that resolution to post more often fell by the wayside, huh? :) Life with 3 little monkeys is pretty chaotic; that and I spend about 4 hrs a day in the car between school drop-offs and pick-ups. At any rate...

Perhaps a few photos... (Mom, you have seen these first few :) )

A couple of Molly...

I love that last one. Katie is really so sweet with Molly, despite the widely spread (by me, mostly) reputation for being DangerGirl. Molly lights up whenever either of her sisters comes around.

A few more from our most recent trip to LaGrange over Fall Break...
Molly and my mom:

One of my two super cute nephews:

Sweet Maggie:

Miss Katie (ok, this one is kinda funny. I think she was talking or something.)

My two big girls together:

My sweet sister and my even sweeter niece:

Fiona probably won't be happy with me for posting that, but I like it--I like that completely content look on MM's face. :)

Yet again, I'm going to try to do better with posting. I'll have a Halloween treat from some of the digital goodness of The DigiChick for Halloween, so swing back by! :)

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A group shot and some random pics

While we were in LaGrange a couple of weeks ago (yeah, it took me a while to edit and upload the pics), I took the girls to the playground and my sweet sister and my niece met us there. The three big girls (Maggie, Katie, and Mary Maddox) had a blast on the slide and I was trying to get a pic of them going down all at the same time. Here's my best attempt:

From left to right, that's Katie, Mary Maddox, and Maggie. :)

I can't believe it, but Miss Molly is already 7 weeks old! Where did the time go? She's really smiling at us now, especially at her big sisters who love her to bits. Maggie likes to come over to talk to Molly, and Katie comes over to kiss her on the head from time to time throughout the day. For a kiddo who generally isn't very gentle, she's surprisingly careful with Molly. She's also a great early warning system, yelling "He's crying!!" any time she hears Molly crying. Sure, she's got the gender pronoun wrong and I'm almost always holding Molly at the time she's crying and Katie sounds the alarm, but it's the thought that counts, right? :)

Here's 7 week old Molly:

I've been trying to get a picture of the three girls together. That process is a laugh all by itself. Here's one of the best that I've gotten so far:

Katie was moving in to kiss Molly. Poor Molly looks a bit like she's being strangled, huh? I think that right after this shot was one of those "He's crying!" moments from Molly and Katie.
Here's another cute one of the two big girls loving on Molly, though:

I've got some 4th of July pics to edit and upload, so I'll try to get those done in the next few days. I also need to work on Molly's birth announcement. :) Until next time!

Gran and Molly

We went to visit my mom and dad in LaGrange and Mom got to spend some quality time with little Molly. :)

I'm not sure that my mom would be happy with me posting that last pic, but I really love it! :) hehehe They're so cute!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Summertime and Bubbles

My girls have been enjoying these first weeks of summer! I picked up some great bubble wands from Dollar General (they are huge, and you don't actually have to blow the bubbles, so it's easier for little kiddos to make cool bubbles) and set them up outside while Molly was napping.

Apparently Maggie feels that bubbles are close enough to water and therefore require a swimsuit. ;) Katie just had a blast running around chasing the bubbles.

See the big huge (and cool!) bubbles that Maggie was able to make? That's not even a great shot--they were super cool!

The wind helped Katie "blow" some bubbles, too.

Maggie went back to the old school way of blowing bubbles.

and Katie had a song to sing...

Finally, here's a little Molly goodness. She's still sleeping a lot (yay for that!), and she's a super sweet baby. At her 3 week check up, she'd moved up from 9lbs 7oz to 10lbs 10oz and from 21" to 23". Clearly she's growing well! :)

We're heading out to the story hour at the library tomorrow morning. Fun! Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm Alive! And Introducing Molly!!

Yes, it's true, I'm still here! I spent much of the last year buried under tutoring/essay reviewing work and just the busy day to day life of a mom with little kiddos. Did you also know that I spent most of that year preggers, too? Yep, surprise baby #3 made her appearance last week, so I figured that this would be as good a time as any to jump back into blogging. How else am I going to keep everybody up to date with photos (assuming she lets me put her down and actually take some, that is!)? You know I'm rotten about keeping Facebook up to date...

So here is my big ol' belly the night before I went in for the c-section:

Yeah, I know--it's huge. I was actually 38 weeks and 5 days, but I was measuring almost 42 weeks. Apparently, I just make big homes for babies. :)

Maggie has been so excited about this baby and has spent the last several months talking to my stomach and kissing it and making plans for her new little sister. Katie has used my stomach as a bouncing platform (the baby always kicked back, though)--ah, the joys of sisterhood, even before you're born!

My first time meeting Molly. My doctor was amazing and did a terrific job with the c-section! Thanks, doc!

Introducing Molly Ann, born at 12:30pm on Tuesday, May 12. She was 9 lbs, 7 oz (I told you I make big homes for babies; apparently big babies, too! Maggie was 8 lbs, 15 oz; Katie was 9 lbs even) and 21 inches.

It was love at first sight for Maggie. She wanted to hold Molly immediately and settled right in and started singing sweet songs. Katie seems to like Molly, too, but I haven't trusted her to be gentle enough with the baby yet to actually step far enough away to take a photo. ;) Katie's only 2 and a half, and her idea of kissing and hugging Molly is a little intense right now. hehehe

Clearly, Maggie is in love with this baby. I think she'd hold Molly all day long if I let her. She's been a terrific big sister so far, too, and has been very very sweet.

Here's Miss Molly all ready to come home from the hospital. Do you recognize the dress, Paula?! Finally, I am able to put it on one of my babies!! It's so sweet and small, but my other two were born in the wrong season for it. It looked perfect on Molly, though. :)

And here's Miss Molly at home asleep in the pram. Isn't she just perfect? We certainly think so!

I'll try to update more often and be a better blogger. At least it might force me to find some time to take some pics!