Sunday, June 07, 2009

Summertime and Bubbles

My girls have been enjoying these first weeks of summer! I picked up some great bubble wands from Dollar General (they are huge, and you don't actually have to blow the bubbles, so it's easier for little kiddos to make cool bubbles) and set them up outside while Molly was napping.

Apparently Maggie feels that bubbles are close enough to water and therefore require a swimsuit. ;) Katie just had a blast running around chasing the bubbles.

See the big huge (and cool!) bubbles that Maggie was able to make? That's not even a great shot--they were super cool!

The wind helped Katie "blow" some bubbles, too.

Maggie went back to the old school way of blowing bubbles.

and Katie had a song to sing...

Finally, here's a little Molly goodness. She's still sleeping a lot (yay for that!), and she's a super sweet baby. At her 3 week check up, she'd moved up from 9lbs 7oz to 10lbs 10oz and from 21" to 23". Clearly she's growing well! :)

We're heading out to the story hour at the library tomorrow morning. Fun! Have a great week!


Nicole Seitler said...

Your girls are just so adorable! What great snapshots. :D

Christine said...

Oh what fun! Camille loves her bubble wand like that - we get lots of wind in our backyard, and the bubble-blowing is truly effortless!

Anonymous said...

what wonderful children you have. sooo cute!

Sharyn said...

Beautiful photos of your adorable girls! Love the pink outfits and the bubbles!

Kelleigh said...

Your girls are SO adorable, and I love the photos you took of them!!

gabs said...

those shots are totally awesome! your girls are so adorable!

LuAnn said...

You grow the most beautiful babies!!! love the curly hair and sprinkling of freckles on the girls!!!

Lunasea said...

Sinead, these are so beautiful! I was thinking the pictures, but the girls are too of course!