Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 85/Mar 25

Oh Pretty Tree in our Backyard, are you the reason I'm feeling so icky?

The pollen is out with a vengeance here in Huntsville, and it's hitting us hard--especially poor Katie. So far Maggie is the only one who hasn't been hit by it. Apparently, that's a side effect of living in Huntsville (one of the only bad ones so far). The Indians used to call this area the "Valley of the Sickness"...oh well.

Despite feeling icky, we did get some outside time today...

Maggie has been playing this fun "monster chase" game with Katie lately.

There's a fun growly noise that goes with it.

Katie just thinks it's hilarious.

And then got in on the action.

And then she "caught" Maggie.

OMG I love these two little monkeys!

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Based on my childhood - treasure those sweet moments!