Apparently Maggie feels that bubbles are close enough to water and therefore require a swimsuit. ;) Katie just had a blast running around chasing the bubbles.
See the big huge (and cool!) bubbles that Maggie was able to make? That's not even a great shot--they were super cool!The wind helped Katie "blow" some bubbles, too.
Maggie went back to the old school way of blowing bubbles.
and Katie had a song to sing...Finally, here's a little Molly goodness. She's still sleeping a lot (yay for that!), and she's a super sweet baby. At her 3 week check up, she'd moved up from 9lbs 7oz to 10lbs 10oz and from 21" to 23". Clearly she's growing well! :)
We're heading out to the story hour at the library tomorrow morning. Fun! Have a great week!