Sunday, June 24, 2007

My Photography class

I've been working on my photography more and more lately, and I was lucky enough to be able to take a class with an incredibly talented local photographer--DeLeigh Kelly of Fairy Tales Fotography. Chris took Friday off so that he could be with the girls while took part in this class, so it was my "Mommy" time, too. (YAY for that!) DeLeigh took us through lots of the basic information about camera settings (aperature, shutter speed, ISO) and how to make them all work together for the best pictures with natural lighting. It was a lot of information to take in, but I already feel like I've learned so much! I need to practice practice practice now! :)

Since I need to practice, I figured I'd pull out some of Maggie's tutus and see if I could get some good pics of the girls. Here are some of the best:

This was shot at an ISO of 400 with a shutter speed of 1/50 and an aperture of 4.5.

This was shot at an ISO of 1600 with a shutter speed of 1/40 and an aperture of 4.5.

This was shot at an ISO of 400 with a shutter speed of 1/50 and an aperture of 4.2.

There are definitely things that I could do to improve, but I'm fairly happy with my first images using my manual settings. :) What do you think?


Anonymous said...

those are gorgeous photos, Sinead! how cool that you're taking a photography class

Anonymous said...

Love the photos, Sinead! I should get into the details, too - but I have so many things on my mind that I cannot start another thing at the moment ;)
You go, girl! Nathalie

Angela said...

These are awesome! I would definitely suggest trying to keep your shutter speed at at least 1/125...especially with squirrelly girls!!! :)

Great shots!

Deena said...

Oh wow, those are some great pics!! I especially LOVE the one of Maggie!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are doing well! Just checking in! Take care!

Bryan in Atlanta

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous photos. Love the black and white.

Did you know that you are a winner on Real Women Scrap? You won a t-shirt, but I don't have an email or regular address for you. Send me a note!