Tuesday, February 27, 2007

a tag and funny list

Saw this on Charlene's blog and thought I'd go for it...

Aprons- Y/N? Nope. I'm a pretty neat cook, though!
Baking- Favorite thing to bake? I love to bake Irish Brown Bread for my dad because it always makes him happy. :)
Clothesline- Y/N? Not since I last visited my family in Ireland. My Granny's dryer really didn't dry, so we'd hang the clothes out on the clothesline and then bring them in in the evenings and drape them on the radiators.
Donuts- Ever made them? No, but always wanted to.
Everyday- One homemaking thing you do everyday? Laundry. Lots of laundry.
Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer? No, but we have a second refrigerator (in the garage). We have more in the freezer there than we do in that fridge.
Garbage Disposal- Y/N? Yes, but I rarely use it.
Handbook- Y/N? I'm always game for a handbook. Might not use it, but I like to have them around!
Ironing- Love it or hate it? Hate it!
Junk Drawer- Where is it? Which one? lol There's one in the Kitchen that's filled with coupons, etc. There's also one in my dresser where I stick stuff that I need to hold on to but that don't really have a "place."
Kitchen- Design and decorating? I dream of the day when I can create the kitchen of my dreams. For now I have to be content with a fresh coat of paint and cute cushions on the window seat (thanks to my mom!).
Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking? hmmm...I like it when my house is clean. I don't enjoy doing the cleaning (and don't do it often enough), but I love the feeling I have when it's clean and tidy.
Mop- Y/N? Yes. Real mopping, too, not just using the Wet Swiffer.
Nylons- Wash them by hand or in the washer? Nylons? lol IF I wear tights/hose, I wash them in the washer. I'm much more likely to wear knee-his, though (also washed in the washer).
Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check? Open it, baby!
Pizza- What do you put on yours? Pepperoni!
Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? Quiet moments? What are they? Oh yeah...they're the hours when the rest of the family is asleep! lol Usually I do a little digiscrapping!
Recipe card box- Y/N? Not a box but several books (4x6 photo albums filled with recipe cards)
Style of house- ranch with an open floor plan
Tablecloths and napkins- Y/N? only for holiday dinners
Under the kitchen sink- Nada. Ok, maybe some Tupperware that overflowed from the next cabinet.
Vacuum- How many times a week? 1-2, though it should be more often!
Wash- How many loads do you do a week? Who knows! I probably do 1 or 2 loads a day.
X’s-Do you keep a list and cross items off when they are complete? Well, I usually have a list, but I either lose the list or forget to cross items off. LOL!
Yard-who does the work? Chris does. (Unless I get really impatient and frustrated!)
ZZZ’s- Not nearly enough!

If you read all of this, consider yourself tagged! Leave me a comment so that I'll know to go check your blog!

Friday, February 23, 2007

80 degrees in February!

One of the (few!) perks of living in Montgomery, AL, is that it's not unusual to have pretty weather in the late winter/early spring. Yesterday it was 80. Yep, 80 degrees! We celebrated with a trip to the park with Maggie's best buddy Delaney:

Maggie was having too much fun swinging to actually look at me. lol

And enjoying the hangey bars. And here's cutie patootie Delaney wearing her cool Strawberry Shortcake glasses:

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A new outfit!!

My little old blog has got a new outfit!! What do you think? Much thanks to the lovely Valerie Fowler for allowing me to use stuff from just about every kit she has! (lol, not really...I used "Hannah Banana", "Totally Modish Alpha", "Huggermugger: Chalky Symbols", and "Brushed Clean Alphas") I also use Fee Jardine's "Flutterbies" alpha.

I'll try to be better about updating things. I'm a slacker...I know!

Random life stuff...
Things are good in our house. Maggie is sleeping (YAY!) for about 12 hours total in a night. Sure, I give her Melatonin before bed (in agreement with her pediatrician), and yeah, she still wakes up in the middle of the night, but the big deal is that she's sleeping 12 hours total instead of 8 or 9. It makes a HUGE difference in her personality and behavior, let me tell you!

Speaking of behavior, boy are we in the middle of the testing-limits-threes. I don't know why people complain about the twos so much. Three has been MUCH more difficult from a temperment point of view. She was already such an independent little mite, but not she's determined to do everything herself. Let's just say that we have some issues. LOL I try to pick my battles carefully but also to provide her limits. Hopefully we'll get past this stuff soon so that I get a break from it until Kate hits the same stage.

Speaking of Kate...what a little cutie! She's such a sweet girlie. She has, so far, been a better sleeper than Miss Maggie, but who knows if that's a function of the fact that Mommy just doesn't have the time to devote to getting her to sleep (thanks to her big sister) or a function of just being a different sleeper or what, but who cares! lol She has definitely developed the ability to sleep amid plenty of noise, which is definitely thanks to having a big sister who isn't quiet. She is really starting to perk up and pay attention to things around her. Just the other day she had a long "conversation" of coos and giggles with the ceiling fan. hehehe She totally adores Maggie, too. Maggie comes up to give her hugs and kisses and Kate just smiles and smiles at her. It's really sweet. I can't wait to see them as they continue to grow up. Whooo hooo! It's fun!

So life is good. We've all got the sickies...Maggie is recovering from strep and a cold, and the rest of us have a cold, including little Katie. That's ok. A little coughing never slowed us down.

For all of you who are still hanging in there, thanks! I'll be better about keeping up here! Until next time!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

ok, maybe a couple of quick layout shares...

Here are a couple of the layouts I've done lately:

Kate and her big chubby cheeks. Click here for credits.
Maggie's sweet smile. Click here for credits.
Maggie and Delaney on the tire swing at the park. Click here for credits.
Maggie playing at the park. Click here for credits.
One of my latest favorites of Maggie. Click here for credits.

Long time no type!!

boy oh boy my poor little blog has been long neglected! I guess that's what happens when a new baby comes to town! lol

Life is good. Kate is the sweetest little baby and Maggie is still so good with her. Kate is starting to really perk up and take notice of people, and she's always got a big smile for her big sister. Maggie is more than happy to hop right into Kate's face and give her a big smile back and sing a funny little song.

We've been busy lately. Just this last weekend, we went to the circus with Nana and Grandad. We were 8 rows back--8!!! Can you believe it?! I had my new camera, and I was able to get some decent shots...

Here's Maggie with Nana while we were waiting for the MARTA train to take us to the circus. It was COLD COLD COLD!

And here's Maggie on the edge of the ring before the show started.

The opening parade bit. (Ignore the head of the guy who was in front of us.)
Maggie wearing the clown hat Nana bought for her.
Super cool acrobatic guys. They rocked themselves back and forth on this swing thing and then launched themselves up at these guys hanging from the ceiling.
Way cool tigers. Maggie wanted to go down to the edge of the ring to see "the kitties." lol
Dancing elephants showing off the human tricks.
This would be the hip hop elephants.
See the cool elephant? Awesome!
Gotta have the shot of the elephants doing the pyramid of sorts.
The Globe of Death...There were, at one point, 6 guys on mopeds riding around this metal cage. Freaky!
The parade at the end. We had a blast. Maggie has been talking about the elephants ever since. Shockingly enough, Kate slept through half of the circus. How she could sleep through all that noise, i don't know, but she does have practice with a noisy big sister! lol

With that, I'm off to bed. I should come and post some of the layouts I've done lately. Ah...maybe tomorrow! Thanks for looking!