Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Seriously--a slacker!
So not much scrapping done lately, though I did throw together an ABC book for my niece's birthday last Thursday (and then promptly forgot to bring it along to her birthday party this weekend! Wouldn't you know it?!). I did it really fast and basically added titles to photos. Simple, I know, but those little ABC picture albums that I did for Maggie with her pictures are still among her favorite books. Maybe my kid has a vanity issue, though...hmmm, something to think about.
Speaking of my niece and really her mommy (my sister), I am SO jealous! OK, so I'm excited for her but jealous for me. Her husband is a CPA and just finished up tax season. He came home the other week with an end of tax season/Mother's Day/birthday/Christmas surprise present for her--a new digi Rebel! Ooooooh, I'm so jealous! I've been eyeing digi SLRs since I started digiscrapping, but they are so out of our price range (which is zilch at the moment) that it's not worth the hope. Oh well. One day maybe. I'm going to see if I can get folks to give me $$ for birthday (in November) and Christmas and see if that's enough for one. We'll see...
Work has started back up, too. I worked my first 2 hour shift yesterday. This summer I'll be working 2 hour flex shifts on Tues and Wed (which means I can review the essays whenever it is convenient for me), and I'll work from 1-3pm on Thursdays and Fridays. I should be working right now, though, since I picked up 2 extra hours today. Ahh, the joy of work. :)
Anyway, I'm off now. Maggie is sleeping and I should try to get a few things done before settling in to work. We'll see if I do or not--the couch is beckoning and my eyes are getting heavy. lol Happy Wednesday!
Monday, May 22, 2006
I'm a slacker!
I've also been busy doing layouts. My most complete gallery is here at The DigiChick. We're getting ready to put out the next issue of De-Zine (due out in mid-June), so be sure to check that out when it is released.
My month as a Guest CT member for Gina Miller is nearly up. I've done some neat layouts for her (I think). Here they are:
What Next, Mom? with her Get Creative kit, Flowers with her Get Creative (background paper) and Cherry Blossom (from Garden Treasures 2), Smell the Flowers 2 with Watermelon Smoothie (from Garden Treasures 2), Best Friends Hug with Teal Explosion, A Walk with Grandad with Citrus Brights, Those Eyes with Delicate Petals (from Garden Treasures), and Lace Cookies with Tomato Basil (from Garden Treasures). Wow! That's a lot--I didn't realize how many I had done. :)
My latest favorite layout, though, is one I did really quick Saturday night. I had already worked on another layout (Dancing Queen) with this same kit (Symphony by Laura Alpuche at The DigiChick), but then I got the idea for "Stop" and I couldn't help myself. It was really late, but I didn't want to lose the journaling that was already in my head. Check out STOP if you get a second. I'm really really proud of it. Every time I think of the journaling, I just get teary. :)
In non-scrapping news, things are going well with the pregnancy other than the tiredness factor. Maggie is still really cute about it. She asks me just about every other day if the baby is coming soon, and she's really excited about it. I don't purposely talk about it with her because it's still really far away, but she keeps bringing it up. I think she's going to enjoy being a big sister. :)'s after 5 and I haven't started dinner. I'd better get a move on since I haven't figured out yet how to make dinner cook itself. Have a good day! If you get a second, give me a shout and say hi. :)
Saturday, May 13, 2006
This is what happens when you spend too much time scrapping
Thursday, May 04, 2006 news
Some of you may have guessed this already, but I finally got in to see the doctor today and it's official. I'm 9 weeks--the baby has a good strong heartbeat and is developing right according to plan. The due date that they gave me today is December 8, but this will be a c-section baby, so it'll probably be about 2 weeks before that (right around Miss Maggie's birthday lol).
It was a total shock for us. It took over 2 years and several miscarriages to get Maggie, so we just counted our blessings and left it up to God. I just realized last week that it had been a while and I was feeling out of whack, so I did a test and what do ya know, it popped up right away. I still can't really believe it. :)
We told DH's parents today, and we're going to tell my family tomorrow evening. If any of you know my family--mum's the word until tomorrow night! We want it to be a surprise. I'm working on a really cute little shirt for Maggie ("big sister to be" with a little bumble bee instead of the word "be"), so hopefully they'll pick up on it right away. Here's the image:
That cool alpha is Gina Miller's Funky Basic Black and the font is MA Sexy. I downloaded the bee image from the web. I printed out the image on a photo transfer paper and I'm going to iron it on to Maggie's t-shirt, so hopefully it'll look good!
Usually they come to Maggie's side of the car first, so that should be good, too, since I'm already showing a bit--boy does it happen faster with the 2nd one! The doc thought I was 10-14 weeks, but the ultrasound said otherwise. We'll see if things change as the baby grows.
Anyway, I just wanted to share. :)